Critique Welcomed My Street Theme: Cacatua Street Carlsbad

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Logging a little foggy down the hill - but at least the rain has stopped!

My street is pretty steep - with the road heading down into a canyon towards the Leo Carrillo Ranch.

Makes going for a walk or cycle ride a serious undertaking ;)

Most of the houses have tile roofs - but were originally built with wooden shake roofs - there was a serious wildfire in the area in the late 80s, and a lot of homes with shake roofs burned as flying embers landed on them. After that, the insurance and zoning changes forced homeowners to replace the wood with tile.

Cacatua is Spanish for Cockatoo BTW :cool:


This is shot #3 - still have #4 & #5 to find/shoot

Previous shots




Keeps the snow off the patio Pete :D