My Third...

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Got some good news from the annual photo competition at the San Diego Fair.

Managed a third place in the B&W Portrait section, with 'Are you lookin' at me kid?'


Well chuffed - Certificate and $150 - first win with the X-Pro1 as well! :cool:

For anyone in the area in the next month - well worth visit - tons of great photos on display.
Competitions are always a good grounding experience - the winning shot in the category was a close-up of a guys fingers on his guitar with him out of focus in the background, very very cool shot, and the second place was a silhouette of a woman in old-time garb with a parasol, a very well observed shot and a brilliant idea.

It was inspirational to see the images that people had entered - I have a whole load of new ideas now!
Well then "Big Yourself Up" Chris ...... Congratulations :o

Well done Chris, really nice portrait that has something about it I can not quite put my finger on , but it works.