My wife!

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Isn't it great as a photographer when there's nothing worse than having a wife that does not want to pose for you, but when they do eventually give in (wife states that she was tired with no make up on....... ouch, she kicked me to say that) the result can be very subtle and elligant.


Thanks for looking :)
T'is nice and very natural and yooz a lucky man have such a willing subject...............
Nice one Dan, these women and thier not wanting thier photos taken eh ... Madness!
Anyway, nice shot...
Taken a leaf out of my punching above your weight club eh ... Mind I cheated, I got mine whilst she was young and didn't know any better ... HA!
Dan - that's a lovely shot - I hope she's very pleased (but suspect she'll still give you sh!t as that seems the norm for SWMBO)

I've just decided to keep shooting, and ignore the whining! LMAO!