nanny titty mangle

Thomas brookes

RPF Chief iPhone app Reviewer
my dear old gran once got her boob caught in a mangle whilst drying the washing in the olden days, thats why i call her nanny titty mangle.

any way. My nan has been very ill the past year and is now well on the road to recovery. shot this on mothers day whilst she basked in the sun. the best i have seen her in a long long time bless her!

Nice catch.:D and the photo is spot on that why all old gals have boobies down by there ankles, i thought it was just an age thing, now I begin to understand :D
LOL Great story Tom, I bet she loves her nickname? ;)

Loving the portrait in B&W - glad she's on the mend as well
Going back to the she holding one of them :D:D:D:D:D

and you deserve a slap you naughty boy for Dissing yer granny yer badass boy you :D
You're in sooooo much trouble Tom :D
Very nice fotie (as you guys say) and one heck of a story.
Nice capture Tom. nice conversion too
