Rob MacKillop
Edinburgh Correspondent

This is from ten years ago...I haven't any new stuff to contribute. I went off photography for a couple of years, but @Brian Moore asked me for a copy of this image, so I went hunting for it, and found it on an old external hard drive. And that led me to seeing many of my old medium-format photos. Before I knew it I had bought a Mamiya 6 – which I'd lusted after for years – with three lenses, 50mm, 75mm and 150mm (the only three made), and it was posted today. Hopefully I'll get it Thursday or Friday.
There are a lot of new names if not faces on this forum since its rebirth, and it's great to see all the newcomers here. Keep posting. Although we might not say much, your images and thoughts do get us thinking.
The above image was captured with Ilford FP4 (if I remember correctly) through a Mamiya RB 67 Pro SD. The dead flowers are to me more beautiful than the fixed smile of the art adorning the vase. In the battle of Art v. Nature, I always come down on the side of Nature.
Anyway, I hope to have more up-to-date images for you in the not too distant future.