NCD: Mamiya Six (not 6, sadly)

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
A poor-man's Mamiya 6 is a Mamiya Six. I think this spelling convention is a modern internet thing, as mine definitely has a number 6.

Anyway, it's a near-mint-condition medium-format folding camera, with an Olympus D. Zuiko 75mm 3.5 lens, complete with case, various paperwork, and something I've never seen before, the "Pleasant Auto-Up" for close focussing.

It arrived today. Hence, NCD is the subject heading refers to New Camera Day. I haven't had time to put film through it. But isn't she lovely?!

s-l1600.jpg s-l1600d.jpg s-l1600e.jpg s-l1600a.jpg s-l1600b.jpg s-l1600f.jpg s-l1600h.jpg s-l1600g.jpg s-l1600i.jpg s-l1600j.jpg
@Pete Askew - I'm getting dangerously attracted to the new Leica Q2. I love fixed-lens cameras, and the Q and Q2 lens is one of the best there is. But at £4,250, it will have to remain a dream, until, that is, you sell me yours in ten years time for £1,000. So hurry up and buy one!
Okay, here are some from the first roll, using Cinestill 50D - probably the last time I'll use it, as it is both expensive and not 100% to my liking. It's okay, but for colour I prefer Portra.

First of all, I found the viewfinder took a bit of getting used to. My left eye is much better than the right for focussing (despite the right eye having had a Zeiss lens installed!!) and when I use my left eye, my big nose gets in the way of the camera! Anyway, I wrestled with it a bit, and genuinely thought this house was centred...clearly not!

Hi House.jpg

Here is a Spanish guitar from circa 1870, currently being used to record an album of 19th-century Spanish music...the cinestill is barely look warm, but I quite like it here:

Garcia Guitar.jpg

I think this red bucket would rather I had used Velvia, to bring out its vibrant tone. Not my most interesting shot ever! I was just shooting anything, while testing the camera (that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it).

red bucket.jpg

I was using the "Light Meter" app (how did they come up with that name?!) which seems pretty good - all the shots came out with reasonable exposure - I've only de-dusted the images a little. The sun was shining brightly on this fence, so I thought it would be a test for the app, the film, and the camera. I see a slight pink hue to it, which I could take out in Lightroom, but not bad:

White fence.jpg

And finally, using the "Pleasant Auto-Up" close-lens attachment, some out of focus flowers...not a great success, and I used a tripod.


Overall, I'm pleased with the camera, and also the app. Less pleased with the film. I'll be heading back to Ilford and Kodak for a while.

What do you think?
Completely forgot I had it! I must take it out again. I've been using my Bronco and Konica Hexar mainly. Thanks for reminding me of it!
Calm down, lads. They're bottles for olive oil, balsamic vinegar, etc, maybe a small bottom of wine. I don't drink, Susan rarely.

No, I forget because I forget. Sorry, Steve, it's going nowhere.