Need a light meter for use with an RB67

John Allen

Well-Known Member
I can get a Gossen Luna Pro for a pretty reasonable price. The older models, like the CdS are pretty cheap. The sbc is even cheaper. The Luna Pro F is a bit more, but is also the nicest of the group. Anyone have any experience with them or any thoughts on other suitable meters?
I use the meter in my other cameras John they seem to be spot on. The meter in your digital camera will give you good results.
Not with the Luna pro but with other Gossen meters, yes. I have lots of meters. My preferred brand is Sekonic which I find the most intuitive (of the modern, electronic ones anyway). Another meter to look out for and, that is good values, is a Minolta Flash Meter IV. The Sekonic Studio Deluxe is also superb. At least with the Luna, you have the option of all the accessories for it, so it can become a very versatile tool.
Not that is makes any difference, but the one I used last week on my foray was a Gossen Starlite 2 - you can see it on the left in the photo of the Technika kit.
Thanks, Pete. I want to go vintage to match or exceed the age of my cameras. My understanding is that there are a lot of older meters that still work fine even 40 years later. My early research is pointing towards either a Weston Master IV or a Sekonic L-398 Studio Deluxe. I still need to do some reading on the 398 to see if there are any gotchas that I don't know about.
The latter would be my choice (they still make it!). I have one but rarely use it for work these days, I don't remember any negatives about it - just not as convenient as a modern meter (as long as they have good batteries in! - that's a good plus point). @Hamish Gill uses one I think though.

I carry a tiny Gossen Digisix in my bag. Very light and very capable - as long as I've got my glasses with me!