New forum section - Photoblock

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Slightly tongue in cheek i suppose, but i have created a section called photoblock within the inspiration section.
It has its own section as it is not visible to non members

This section is for when photography is getting you down and you want a bloody good moan about it ...
If no one else fancies a moan once in a while then I might just delete it...
But you can expect to find me here once in a while thats for sure ;)
I like the idea of an inspiration section Hamish, but (touch wood) I will never use it. I didn't exactly lose my way, but I pretty much gave up photography for ten years after I could no longer go on holiday. I guess I thought there was nothing else worth photographing. I can sympathise because I did try and start up again once or twice with the odd day out, but I wasn't happy and the camera went back in the cupboard again. I also think that having spent the best part of seven years in and out of hospital when I was younger has left me with a constant need to catch up on lost time.

I will keep an eye on the section though and perhaps my only bit of advice is not to try too hard :)
I just like taking photos of Connie ...

And it's no wonder from what you've posted of Connie. I think it's picking up the camera for any reason. It's too easy to make excuses not to. I could have sat indoors during the closing ceremony of the Olympics, but instead I was out in the garden with the tripod and cable release and falling over the water bowl... :)