New Photography Website

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
A few days ago 500px offered 50 per cent reduction on their full membership, and this includes a website in one of their Themes. Worked out to be something like £12 for this first year, then double that per annum. I'm just playing with the site at the moment, so look upon this as a first stab, and critique welcomed.

Click: Rob MacKillop

Note you have the option of turning the background to white or dark grey.

There is a button labelled 'Categories' which so far only has Selected Images, which is in fact the first page you see with that link. In the future I will have other categories.

It's very easy to set up once you've uploaded some images.

So, what do you think?
Hamish - many thanks. That one was taken with the Mamiya, and I'm chuffed with it, although it did need some pp. It has given me lots of ideas for future work.

Pete - thanks again. One never thinks of a style, or plans for one, but inevitably one might emerge. I will separate the black and white from the colour shots, I think, as the transition is a bit too striking, don't you think?

I guess my "Selected Images" category is an overview, and any new categories will be more theme based.

Thanks to everyone on this site for helping me along this last 10 months.
That looks great Rob :) its clean and effective, not cluttered at all to distract from the images.
You've selected a really nice set of images for that site, Rob. They look super against the dark gray background. (I don't remember having seen "Tree House" before, but I love it.)

Anyway, I clicked on contact information and then this led me to your website--which, to my own surprise, I had never visited--and then I listened to/watched that delightful version of "I've Grown Accustomed to her Face" which you have posted there. No time to explore further this morning but will do so some more later.

You are a very talented fellow Mr. MacKillop!
Rob the photos so well chosen and i have already said how i feel about some of them.
Less photos is more for me as when i see people with hundreds of photos (on flicr, 500pix), i only get to the first few dozen then its too much (overkill).
Only really need max 50 (maybe even less) to get a feel for a persons phtography.
Don McCullin in his Bradford exhibiton i saw three eyars ago had just about 24 even less i think.
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Well, very kind of you to say so, Brian.

Tree House was from last night. There is a thread about it (and others) HERE.

- - - Updated - - -

ahmad, I agree with less being more, and there are three or so I might subtract from that selection. Cheers.
Lovely set of images Rob. i particularly like the Raindrop Leaf