New stuff !

shelf of cameras?

i'd love to see this camera shelf you speak of...

I have one too, although mine is still under the 20 mark... just about

Been thinking of having a purge as it goes ... But it's hard to pick ones to sell!
Got about 10 more since then!
The current fave is a version 6 exa ... It's lovely!
the collection of nikon's is amazing - what digital bodies do you have?
That's what I thought when I saw the collection jack. Lol.

Hamish, that would be brilliant from you if I could borrow the spares.
I'll get some chems and a jug and I'll be away.
Give me a shout when I can pop round :)
Do i see a voigtlander vito middle shelf second from the left?
ooh infra red d50? sounds good - i have an ir filter but it's the biggest piece of crap i've ever seen.

and a converted d100?

I'm now looking at getting a d300, after seeing their 2nd hand price... would you reccomend?
nah not buying any more cameras until i upgrade my d40.... so tired of it now... i've wanted to upgrade for about a year seriously, mainly for bracketing at first cause i used to love hdr, but now it's more a case of metering with my old lenses and being able to use a decent remote... oh, and being able to go past iso 800, i never go past it on my d40 cause the noise... well it's like a bomb going off..
... Should read IR converted d100
The d50 is standard!

D300... Yes! Wholly! Very good camera! Milan on here has mine now, I think he likes it a lot... I sort of regret selling it to be honest, but he's a good guy so it's sorta ok!
oh i see...

the only things i get put off about with the d300 vs d7000 is the d300's getting old, i'm worried i'd want to upgrade again too quickly.

i'd love a d700 :(
Those 6mp sensors gave good high ISO IMO ... Low chrominance noise with higher luminance noise has what has always attracted me to Nikon cameras and that 6mp sensor of yours works well to do that sort of look IMO ... Make b&w conversions a diddle even at very high ISO
We are out of sync here!
The d700 is a gem!
Why not wait a few months, see what Nikon have up thier sleves...
The release of the d800 (or whatever) will help s/h prices!
by that do you mean bright but not very coloured? i'm not an uber techy.

i don't like noise, i think i get paranoid about noise in photos...
Tom from Branded | Flickr - Photo Sharing! i mean that's the maximum i'd actually allow myself to have.. I HATE NOISE... apart from noisy music...

i mean, d300 £500 ish second hand - d7000 950 body only...

d700..... 1.1 + K S/H at the moment...

new lens set (being a cheapskate)..... few hundred...

it doesnt make sense for me financially to go fx, although i'd love to...
That's where canon have an advantage .. 5d, full frame, £5-600 ... Not so good in low light though!
No perfect camera, especially when budget comes into play!
I was reading a review of the phase one 645 and iq180 back earlier £40,000 odd for the back alone ... And it a big chunk of a thing, and not really geared up for low light stuff!
Pick a budget, work out whats most important to you - low light, res, fast focus... Whatever and aim for the best you can in the budget! No point in worrying about the inaccessible!!

it seems so ridiculous that much for just a back, it'll be great but surely not like 10 d3's quality...

i've never really liked the high high end brands apart from hasselblad...