New: The "Like" Tree

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
The addition of vbseo has added a "like" feature
This is nothing to do with facebook ...
but an internal system for identifying the best posts within a thread... be they the most relevant, most interesting, or what ever ...
Im not so keen on it being called "like"
I think i might be able to restyle it to say something else ... but what?
seems i can change it ...
Have rephrased the word "good" in a couple of places to check i can ...
but it doesnt quite cut it ... any thoughts?
Rad,mega,awesome,love,great,super,.... Appreciate

But then you'd have to have loads of buttons. blimey it's difficult enough ATM to phrase the terrific stuff on here don't make me decide with another button :D
How about "Useful" as in "Chris" thinks "Peters" post, txt, comments are "Useful"

That's not a bad idea Darren. I must say I was a bit bemused to find I had a like in my notifications today and wasn't too sure what the point was. I guess one might be more inclined to like a post if it praised one's pictures for example but I'm not sure why anyone else would be interested. Found useful might well be better as it might be useful to others as well. Maybe we could then have some sort of index of useful 'stuff'.
^^^^^^ sounds a great idea to me...........!!
Its only within a thread, i dont think it can be accessed from out side of the thread as such

For example, I have "liked" a couple of posts in this thread ... you can see what it does by clicking the heart at the top ...

the idea is that it highlights the most relevant points within the thread ....

Hugo High five works best for me i think ... but i need to work out how to get it in to the phrases ...
Well I think the "like" offers much more.. I often see an brilliant picture on here and eather am not technically minded enough to put a constructive comment or reading down the posts people have already said what I was going to write... So I click of the screen as if I have never been there. Now I can show the poster that I have seen there pic and liked it * high five!!
I see. At the moment I'm not sure what it adds but if there's a way to highlight particularly relevant useful posts I suppose it could. I guess one of the issues that most of the threads don't run for that long but maybe for the 'Stickies' it could be useful.
Done... if anyone can have a look around see if there is anywhere it doesn't fit or makes even less sense than it already does that would be good