Critique Welcomed Next Stop, Ursa Major

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

Carlsbad CA - Pacific Coast Highway

X-Pro1 and 14mm Lens - long exposure on a tripod at ISO 200 - light painted the Lifeguard Tower with my flashlight.

This was taken an hour after sunset - but the offshore Santa Ana winds have given us super clear skies today, so the grads were amazing.
Thanks chaps - poor swmbo had to sit it out in the car while I took the shot, and to her credit she didn't complain. She thought I was nuts as it was 'dark', but she's learned to just roll with it! :D
I'll bet your wife is sued to seeing you do some wild and crazy things, eh?
Great shot Chris. I like the idea of light painting the Lifeguard Hut too.
Thanks Milan - first time light painting for me, so all in all a good learning experience
Worked really well Chris. Love it.
Thanks Julian - I'm really tempted to try some star fields next time I'm out in AZ where the skies are really dark at night