Or he's trying to figure out whether Vikings have hornsProbably busy growing a Cala Lilly!
What a soup! A real bacalao there Rob, which I never have liked anyway. In Trinidad they call that bacanal!Something very fishy about their names, Ivar: Sturgeon and Salmond
A Portugese dish, main ingrediences are salt fish from dryfish, ( must be Norwegian ), potatoes, a lot of tomatoes onions and garlic fried with olive oil in a big pan. You probably have seen fish hang to dry from pictures from the north of Norway. But the dish look, to me anyway, like a blody mess. therefore the comparison.Never heard of a bacalao...
Bliddy calla lilies! And Vikings wear horned hats; everyone knows that except Ivar. I'm right here!And where's Brian?
No!Actually now you mention it, weren't you going to get a Cala @Brian Moore?!
"That picture seems ripe for solarization somehow. Calla lilies, eh...? Oh alright then. "