Night At The Museum

Mick Howe

Well-Known Member
Night at the museum sounds good , but in reality it was a grey dark and miserable rainy day. So I went to the local museum with the intent on photographing the wild life, the stuffed wild life that is. I shot the set with the Fuji XE-1 and the 35mm cctv lens, knowing what to expect from this lens sharp where it needs to be and lovely out of focus backgrounds, as usual shot in (b/w jpeg iso 3200 hand held no tripods allowed), so as not to have much pp in Lightroom. I hope to follow on this project at other museums as I travel round in different locations, could be long term.

_DSF8864.jpg _DSF8869.jpg _DSF8871.jpg _DSF8872.jpg _DSF8875.jpg _DSF8879.jpg
These are excellent and have an interesting, dreamlike quality about them. Deciding to present them in black & white was especially wise and effective.

Thanks Guys, It was hard at first as there were school kids running round looking for clues for some project they were doing, and once or twice I got dirty looks off one of the school teachers, you know what I mean, but all was well in the end.
Thanks for the comments.
Great set Mick. Ever since you arrived I've been considering getting on of these Fujian CCTV lenses. I might just have to order one today! (By the way that ex-parrot looks like he means business!)
Thanks Brian, If you do go for one make sure that they sell the adaptor with it, this will make it a lot better as it should fit your camera without any bother.I have herd of people buying separate adaptors and having problems, don't forget 35mm for 1.5 crop and the 25mm for 4/3 2x crop, you won't regret it loads of fun. Here's the link to where I purchased mine from.
Thanks Brian, If you do go for one make sure that they sell the adaptor with it, this will make it a lot better as it should fit your camera without any bother.I have herd of people buying separate adaptors and having problems, don't forget 35mm for 1.5 crop and the 25mm for 4/3 2x crop, you won't regret it loads of fun. Here's the link to where I purchased mine from.
Thanks for the tip, Mick. Much appreciated.