Critique Required Normaton Church

Steve Dormer

Well-Known Member
Hi Guys

I need your help on this image if I may. I have processed the image with the effect I wanted (minimalistic and a photo artistry feel), but for the life of me can't decided on its positioning within the frame. I always get confused where reflections are concered.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated

Normanton Church by Steve Dormer

I have dropped in an article by Brittin Explore if you wanted to read a bit more about this fascinating place and its history.
Normanton Church - Rutland
Hi Steve,

This is a beautiful image. I like the way you did it. It has that catch that you want to keep viewing.
Imho, I would drop it to the center, or close to it (in relation with the landing too.) It would make it more grounded, I think. :)
Thanks for the link Steve and I like the treatment you have used very much. I agree with Nihat though in that I would place the building lower in the frame such that the reflection is much nearer the bottom edge and maybe shift it to the right as well if you can.
Hmm. It's a beautiful image, but I see your problem. It doesn't look happy where it is. Maybe a little lower? I assume you've tried a few positions? I'd consider adding more above the image, as much as there is below the reflection. I can't remember how to do this in Photoshop, but it can be done.
Thanks all for the comments, so simple when it is pointed out. I was initially trying to keep the image on the thirds etc. Good example when to break the rules.

Flickr - Normanton church copy by stevedormer, on Flickr
Very tasty - it works very well, very minimalist

It's a long time since I was up at Rutty Water
Steve a superb image. Love it. I wonder though about the crop. yes it does help, my wondering is more the balance issue maybe the strength of the reflection. Toning down the reflections of the building and the left side bush itself and it's reflection may help with the balance. Tonal quality can very often resolve and often the cause of balance.
I have hesitated saying this as it is a smashing image and don't wish to intrude in the wrong place. In other words it is a smashing image and I'd be very proud of it as is.
Thanks Pete, Nihat and Julian.

I will have a go at toning down the reflection, good point