Not Waiting

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I don't personally enjoy doing street photography, but I couldn't resist this guy who seemed lost in thought. He was in an area where people often arrange to meet up, but I got the sense he was not waiting for anyone...

Not Waiting by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​
Rob what is in the direction he was looking? He certainly is very concentrated in his thoughts. Very nice Photo lots of questions to be asked .
A very busy Princess Street is in front of him...I know this is very dark, and the eye doesn't know where to look - but that was effect I was after. Who is this guy? Is he the subject? And what is that highlighted line joining him, umbilical-like, to the light? Etc, etc! :confused: :rolleyes:
Interesting. The more I look at this picture the more I like it. The character is so focused on what could be anything you wish to construed. The left side is of enough interest to give balance visually.I do like the it as a dark picture, yet prefer the first image as the lighter alley does help to give balance. The sepia is a nice colour though.

internet access in Cornwall is intermittent at the moment , so cant look into the site as much as I would like.
I like this a lot Rob. And the first on better. Somehow being able to discern what is through the arch emphasises the thoughtful expression / feeling of the man. But I do like the increased contrast in his face. As Julian says, this shot does compel one to think.
Thanks, Pete, and Julian. I don't think it is a good photo, but it almost is. The importance of it for me lies in realising that portraiture can really tell a story, and that's something I need to give more thought to. Capturing that story in a passing moment is one thing, but trying to build that up from nothing in a studio must be very difficult. I'll be looking at images by the great portraitists - any recommendations?