Pete Askew
They've gone too far with that window in the coffee shop I reckon! Or maybe the customers were complaining about the local Paparazzi!
A fine set, Chris and my internal 14 year old loves that last one!

Ha! No, 'fraid not.
Funnily enough though, I unearthed a roll of film in our spare bedroom last night, which I recall nothing about. It will be fun to see what it reveals - it could have been used anytime in the last eleven years.
Funny story:
When I was doing my final exams at college, I had my car stolen by some lads who had escaped from a remand centre. They left the car in a ditch just a few hundred yards down the road from the house, walked a bit further to the neighbouring farm and stole a car from there. The police took my car and dusted it, and everything in it, for fingerprints. Roll on about 16 years, and my daughter was getting interested in having a camera. I remembered that there was an old one of mine that I'd forgotten about and gave her that to try using. There were a few frames left on the roll of film in it and some weird white stains on various places on the body that we struggled to clean off.
Emily took her first few shots after receiving a short lesson on how it worked and we put a new film in the camera. She was desperate to see her first photos so we had the film developed. There were a few great shots of the end of my college days, showing long forgotten fragments of time and people I hadn't seen in years. Then there were five or six out of focus flash shots of some rough looking blokes who I didn't recognise. "That's odd" I thought until my wife realised that we were looking right into the eyes of the little sods who'd pinched my car all those years ago.
The car, a hand painted (with a brush!!! - before I bought it) bile green Triumph Toledo with a flourescent pink stripe on the bonnet - was dumped when they realised that it was just a little distinctive to be used as a getaway car from a jailbreak! While they were in it, they went through my stuff and found the camera in the glove box and had fun blinding each other with the flash before they went off to look for a more mundane looking set of wheels.