Notes From The Top Left Corner

Thanks Pete.
I didn't really spot that red reflection beside the tin can when I took that photo. I took four or five there and that's the only one with it in. Weird - must be a Christmas light hanging somewhere nearby. I think it's splodginess is great.

I'm trying not to think too hard about the possibilities that might ensue from that prediction you mention!
Hi Pete, yes I agree. When I went out with the intention of photographing the wheel, I soon found myself only looking for reflected views of it. After all, we have all seen countless numbers of images of these things before. I wanted something new and a little different.
The last week or so have been pretty packed with interesting things to photograph and photograph with.
I spent a few days restricting myself to getting to know a lens I've had for perhaps 18 months or so, spotted flashes of greatness with but never really 'learnt' it.
It's a Taisei Kogaku Tamron Twin-Tele 135mm f/2.8

The earlier f/4.5 version seems a little more common than my 2.8 version. By all accounts, this was the first lens that really worked as well as buyers and reviewers hoped it might with a matching tele-convertor. It was also the design that gave Tamron its name.

Mine is a little tired, cosmetically, but I think it is capable of producing some really great pictures.

Bridge sedge1.JPG
I'll start a new thread elsewhere about this lens, shortly.

We travelled down to the south coast to visit family and one of the things I packed was a 10 stop ND filter, which I have also had for a while but not really had the opportunity to spend some time to try to get properly to grips with.

Down to the beach then, to try it with some waves!
Here's just one image from Bexhill-on-Sea.

A Foggy Groin.JPG
I feel I have learned how to use it now and shall keep that knowledge stashed away until I can think of a use for the filter which avoids too much cliche!!

I promise to start another thread with some rather more dynamic seaside shots in due course (no filters involved).

As usual with me, there's been plenty of street photography too. Stuff like this...

Setting Up.JPG

Shop.JPG Extractor.JPG
Thanks Pete. That was, you may have guessed, near the Humber bridge. We have a place in North Lincolnshire and my daughter lives there too. Our Christmas Day walk took us to the wildlife trust place near the estuary bank. If you like that one, you're gonna love what I have in store for you!
Another most interesting set. The first on is great, you have the level of out of focus on the bridge just right. The colours in the sea shot work together very well. Like the Shop picture, makes you look like a spy, discreetly observing your subject. The colours in the last one are great too. Where was it taken? I am sure it looks familiar.
Thanks so much Dave, for your ever encouraging comments.
The last shot was taken here in Lancaster, just 100 metres or so from the cathedral. The glow in the top right corner is its illumination.
Just for Pete, here are a few from Bexhill.
I actually didn't take so many of any consequence, as the purpose of the visit was to play with an ND filter. There are loads of variations on the one above, but not much else.

This one, though... I like!

Alice Fresco.JPG

A kind of self portrait.

Green Apples.JPG
I took loads of this wall and strangely, the one that I decided to include my own shadow in proved to be by far the most interesting.

I met Maisie, the Lurcher. She became rather fascinated with my camera.

Maisie the Lurcher.JPG

One more of those beach huts. Mono this time.

Alice in Mono.JPG
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