Now That I Have Lr5...

Aaron Quinn

Well-Known Member
I purchased Trey Ratcliffs "Organize Your Photos" ebook and video (a good resource to start from since I have no clue but completely worth it...??? ehh...).

Anyway, he gives some good info his system and how he organizes photo's but says something several times throughout - "This works for me and you may find a system that works better for you".

With that, would you mind sharing a little about your system? Catalogs, Folders, Collections, Naming convention, backing up and so on.

Much appreciated!
So I've watched the video 3 times now and read through the pdf once. I kind of like his approach and think I can get it to work for me. I'm going to just dive in, put my head down and go for it.
Still want feedback or are you off and running?