Critique Welcomed Offshore

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

Larger version:

As the Sun sinks into the Pacific, a bank of cloud and a bank of fog hang offshore, just beyond the lobster fishing fleet.

Off Solana Beach CA - X-Pro1 Panoramic with 60mm Lens
Thanks everyone.

I liked the detail in the 60mm pano, but then liked the space in the 35mm pano - so couldn't decide

The process of stitching does effect moving objects, like waves, so that has to be taken into account when planning a pano.

Here's the scene as a still shot, before the sun had set - 60mm Lens

Thanks Pete - local TV station liked it as well - they just used it as backdrop to the weather girl! :)
Offshore ... there was a track called Offshore released by Chicane (an english gent) in 1996
... brings back memories.
Third photo would have been just right as CD cover.
Thanks Ahmad - love that track, and I was thinking of it when I titled the photo!

Thanks Beth - after a fruitless day looking for fall color, I finally found some in the skies at sunset.

I did over 200 miles up and down mountains looking for any foliage that was turning color, but nothing, zip, nada :(