Critique Welcomed Old Ferry

Matthew McKendry

Well-Known Member
On this ride on one of washington state's slightly rusting ferry boats at first I was messing around seeing how a shot of this part of the wake would look, but something about the rail with its chipped paint and the rusty sides of the boat and grey water below intrigued me. Almost processed it into B&W but I liked this a bit better.

a rather terrifying POV - were you hanging off the rail by your fingernails? - but a great shot. I like the 4 layers of land in the distance, and those layers of corrosion and dirt on the boat.

The weather has almost turned the shot into B&W for you...
heavy list to starboard - I like it!
Haha not quite Beth, although now I'll probably get seasick next time thankssss! :)

And nope no finger nail hanging, just holding the camera over the side a little ways!

A crop on the railing would look good as well you're right Pete, it'd certainly draw the eye to the churned up water right over side.
Cool - I love the offbeat angle/perspective. Not sure about the color - I would tend to run the saturation back up a bit on the green railing at least. I also think this could be effective with full blown Velvia type color as well.

There is probably not a single correct answer on that, just like the alternative cropping Pete suggested. There are several different images in here.
Thanks Keith. I de-saturated the colors because I thought it went well with the feeling of decay from the chipped paint and rust. It would've been quite interesting in velvia yes! Assuming I could figure out the whole analog business haha. Here's the unedited image as it was off the camera, anyone who wants to edit and play around with it feel free to do so! :)

Here's a couple B&W variants - very, very rough. The first is the original framing and the second is the crop Pete was thinking of (I think). YMMV, etc.
