Now that Davie is a wonderful picture of the Old Man. Probably the best I've seen. I can imagine that Chris is going to suggest a 16:9 crop and, in this instance, he might well be right! Even though I love the clouds.
Thank you ... Cropping is something i should pay more attention to. When I crop something I don't constrain and just crop to where I want it and if i'm considering a selling situation i really should crop to suit standard framing
As I'm sure you've noticed )), I often crop square! That is partly because I used to (and still do) shoot a lot of 6x6 film, partly because I like square framing, but also because I have a whole stack of square, oak frames that I use in the studio! Sticking to a standard format certainly makes sense both commercially and aesthetically I think. For example, Hamish often frames 10x8.
i like both of them too, i think the full one shows the full story whereas the 16:9 would look great framed, I may have a look at a compromise and look at a 12x8 which off the top of my head is approx A4 .... thank you for the kind words