OM-D Portraits

Pete this camera seems to focus so well, it is a revelation to myself at least, but I am sure to others as well. As is known the lens is what gathers the info for image and this Oly 45 f1.8 seems to be a bargain. I had research it online and time and time again I was seeing great images with this lens. There are a handful of MFT lenses that appear to stand up against anything the dominant companies can hand out.Knowing that the size of a lens does not limit its brilliance as many of the best lenses produced are small. This lens is not in the top most tier but for the price it would be crazy not to have.

A B+W version again Lightroom to Raw to CS4 crop resize and slight gamma and contrast adjust.

20120817-P8170092-3 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
Exceptional - you must be well chuffed :)
Thanks Rob and Chris, I am chuffed now , I admire the images you're getting on your trip with the Xpro1 and your ability to produce superb images time after time. I was going along the route of the Fuji and the cost just drew me back. I am though very pleased with the offering I have at the moment and hope to expand its abilities in the near future.
Brilliant shot. There must be millions of shots posted in the interweb from the OM-D by now, but for some reason this is the only one I've 'seen' properly. I think the results are fantastic! You'll have to post more. :)
Thanks Dan. Yes Hamish I am pleased ishhhhhhh waiting for the honey moon to end which is the norm when I purchase something to use instead of my FF DSLR . But who knows this may be the one, I am starting to think it is maybe an acceptable alternative to use along side the SLR. Time will tell.