Our New Facebook Page

Andy Boardman

Trade Member: Bob Rigby Photographic
Hi a everyone, I hav ejust set up a new business facebook page, if anyone uses it please give us a like, we will be posting bits of news & information on there as & when as seems like a fairly good way to do things these days.
Hope to see some of you thewre soon maybe & maybe at some of the shows we are attending in the last week of September.
Hi everyone, I have just set up a new business facebook page, if anyone uses it please give us a like, we will be posting bits of news & information on there as & when,seems like a fairly good way to do things these days.Search for Bob Rigby Photographic Ltd should find us OK hopfully LOL.
Hope to see some of you there soon maybe & maybe at some of the shows we are attending in the last week of September.