Out and about with the X-T20 and 55-200mm lens

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Click for bigger version...

1. Soft Sun


2. Leaves on puddle:

blonde leaves.jpg

3. Subtle Colours:

grasses plus.jpg

4. Leaves in frozen water:

leaves in iced water1.jpg

5. Signet. Love these soft, subtle colours.


6. Soft Sun, part 2:

sun shot.jpg

All shot raw, then Iridient Developer. No.4 went into Nik Colour for some Glamour Glow. I like the subtle colours of the lens and camera, but with No.4 I thought I'd explore pushing things. I prefer the more subtle colours of the other shots.

So, now the lens goes back in its box until Christmas...:(
Great shots. But I am in love with the first one. The skyline is marvelous, and the big negative space in the front works well for me. It screams for a B&W treatment. But I think most photos scream for a B&W treatment, so don't bother.... :D
Cheers, Rense. I did take a look at a b&w version, and while I thought it was good, I really preferred the subtle colours here. I do more b&w work than colour, so that's an unusual decision for me, one I'll lose sleep over! :eek:
Really like them Rob, you know me and colours right. Well I do not know when you purchased the fuji xt20 and the lenses, but congratulation with the purchase. From what I gather and see, you must have grown to like it a fair bit. Happy for you.