That one is great, reminds me of a well known image from National Geographic. Did you have to wait for ages to get 2 people alone or did you have to clone some out.
I cloned one person out bottom right. The tricky bit was getting the tram movement just right. Luckily they were there waiting for their tram while about 5 others went and were on their own much of the time. I have several shots either just before the tram moved or when it was too far down in the frame. The only other camera I had with me was a Mamiya 7II with B&W film and so I shot it with a Fuji FinePix M603 (what a nice 'little' camera that was) jammed up hard against the window frame, but the lag was difficult to predict and get right.
I've just had deja vu when looking at this ... Now Im not sure if you havent posted it before??
I do like it though!
Pauls right, the lack of other people really makes it!
A really nice moment captured!
These are some gems your uprooting today matey!
I think I posted a link to them on my old imaging site. I checked to make sure I hadn't posted the series before. I was looking at them again as I have a series of prints I made in 2007 that I wanted to frame but could have done with them smaller so I was looking for the original files to re-print them.
4 sheets of 5x4 going through development tomorrow. More to be taken!!
Wow I love this shot!!! So much to see. Agreed with chris the still/sharp contrast does it for me almost like their lost in the moment of the daliy grind
It has got a green tone but I suppose your monitor may be more green than it should be. I've just got a Pantone Huey Pro and it seems to be doing the job of monitor calibration well and its easy to use. Cost about £68 ish.
The base tone is yellow from the CP simulation but, because of the grey tarmac, it does give a greenish cast. It is less obvious when you see the set together as prints but I might tweak it a bit before uploading to the Babelsberg site.