Photo walks, manchester

Adam Lewis

Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anyone from up north knew about any photo walks that go on in Manchester? I've had a smooch around google at this and have found two, both however you must pay to attend (which I don't really understand), one was £25 and the other was £160!
I'm not looking for much, just a couple of hours wandering around taking photos with a small handful of people, even just 2 others would be enough really, but I just don't think I'm prepared to pay to walk around, more of a social thing I'd prefer.

I'm asking because I'd love to get into street photography, and though I don't need 'help' to take the photos, it's always good to be a bit sociable and for the 'safety in numbers' thing, I won't lie, being 20 and built like a matchstick, with a right baby face, could potentially make me an easy target for a group of yobs, or failing a group, just one irate middle aged man who'd rather fancy smashing my camera.

I know that most of this is probably just paranoia, but sympathise with me here lol.

Failing all the above (if you've made it this far), does anyone fancy a little meetup?
To be honest with you Pete, that's how I found this site a few days ago, it popped up on google because of some tagged keywords that Darren had on a thread lol.
But since finding the site I've trawled through loads, just got a bit stuck with registering :)
Hey Adam, next time i am in town i would meet up with ya for a spot of aimless wandering around the city with camera in hand :)

I think there is also a flickr group who meet regular in Manchester area on independent "photo walks"

with regards to safety in numbers & all that i never have any issues when i mooch about the city day or night, saying that i am a quite confident 35 year old and built like brick **** house as we say up north :) i guess that don't make me any safer or less likely to be mugged or simmilar though lol

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I can't help with meeting up, but I regularly do street photography in London. I'm under 5' and never had a problem. Why not start with places where people gather and are used to others taking photographs? I'm thinking of art galleries or famous landmarks. You might want to try the covert technique that Chris uses (and to great effect). I have yet to give it a go, but intend to practice before my next outing. Feeling comfortable with yourself is the first step and IMHO is better done alone. Frankly I get myself in a state until I get that first photograph and then things tend to flow much more naturally :)
Its a date Dave LOL will let you guys know next time i am in town and we could plan sommat
Sounds good to me, I'm in uni on Tuesdays and Thursdays though, but any other day is fine for me. And I see what you're saying Lesley, but it all boils back down to the confidence of going alone with camera in tow. I feel perfectly fine now whipping out my phone and pointing it at people, but I don't know, a camera just seems, different?

Don't bring anything too fancy either you two, you'll make me look like a tramp ;) lol.
what camera do ya use Adam, not that is matters to much just curious / interested :)

Tbh, I bucked the trend, but also saved the bank balance.. I've got the 600D, but I'm using the 28-105 USM lens. Can't afford anymore lenses until Jan (student finance pay-in) , then i might buy the 50mm, haven't really decided yet.
that sounds like a pretty dam good setup to me, definatley very capeable.............!!
Thank you. I like the manual override feature. Plus the lens gives effectively 50-140 odd focal length, pretty much covers what I'd need I think :)