Who's to say they don't see a difference... They might appreciate the aesthetic of iPhone images etc
Education, arguably, is just making people aware of conventions ... Who's to say the conventions are right?
Who's to say that what you like is right for everyone?
Breaks in convention are what lead to new artistic movements ... Have you seen the episode of the Simpsons where homer smashes a BBQ. It becomes "outsider art"! I could imagine some arty folk latching on to this and giving it a title "trash art" or something similar. All of a sudden it becomes legitimate ... You and I might continue to look on in horror, whilst others see something else in it!
Look at Tracy emin, damion hurst et al ... Load of old toss, mostly completely lacking in taste, yet carries huge credibility for some unknown (to me!!!) reason ... Just because I feel that about it doesn't mean everyone does, I have a right to an opinion, a right to be critical, but I'm also human and as an artist would treat thier art as I would expect them to treat mine!
I'll always remember a trip to italy with my school, we were in the stunning village, beautiful architecture abound. Yet nestled between churches, contained within shops made of beautiful architecture were piles of the most hideous catholic parafonalia - holographic images of Jesus etc. Not just 1 shop either ... A lot of them, enough to make you realise that trade in tasteless catholic parafonalia was booming! We chuckled at it, but would never dream of telling the shop owners or buyers of this dross what we thought of it to thier faces!
Different culture, different education etc make people like different things! These people aren't asking us to like it, they are merely offering it as a service to those who do... What right do we have to ask them to like what we like?
As with any art, it has as much right to exist, be enjoyed and be criticised as anything else ... It's just of my opinion that if it is criticism that is going to be given, it should be done politely and without mockery!