Photoshop help to improve a photo

Mark Grant

Canon user
I need some help as I am not much use with photoshop.

I have this cute picture of a Border Collie Dog called ' Cap' taken on holiday a couple of years ago.

I only have a jpg, no RAW unfortunately.

original photo in small size:

Cap - Original file before any photoshop by Mark G. in England, on Flickr

My attempt at improving it is on flickr here:

Cap by Mark G. in England, on Flickr

What I have been trying to do is:

1. Remove the wooden post from above the dogs head
2. Remove the person completely ( I dont know how to)
3. Remove the long white hair near the dogs eye on the original. ( I had a go)
4. Lighten around the dogs eyes as as they dont really show with all the black. ( I had a go)

If anyone can do some Photoshop magic and post it here and put the full size file where I can get to it that would be great.

The original full size file in on my webspace here:

Also any tips on photoshop would be helpful, I have a lot to learn.


do you really think that doing all this work to this image would be worth it? or improve it much............?

Why do you want it doing, sorry for being nosy.

In my opinion it would be easier just to remove the dog from the photo and re-place it in a completely new back ground.

ok leave it with me see what i can do...............errrrrrrr dont hold your breath lol

now this is far far from perfect but its not bad...............i


what do you think.........??

That's a tough one. Darren's got a good start. The first thing I noticed when I saw the first view was the part of a person on the right. The post coming out of the dog's head is not so good either. Both of these are gone in Darren's revision. But now the photo seems off kilter because of the heavy lines in the gate n the left. Not sure what I'd do with that.
Alright Mark, this id the best I can do, Everything I've used is through Lightroom, and photoshop elements 2.0. yes, I know, Its old school. lol


  • captain-img0931[1]-3-2-5.jpg
    85.8 KB · Views: 64
Nice work Dan!
Here's my effort - used a mirror of the gate to fill the RHS and add perspective

Dont know if anyone else has noticed but in both Cloned versions ,the area to the right of the dog has a lot of clone brush marks especially in the sky area around the dogs ear and then down towards that horizon, I know they are both trials at removing the objects but thought I would mention it so they are aware in case they cant see them :)

If you already know oops I'll shurrup lol
Oh wow!!! That's a good edit chris. Didn't think of that one. Good work. :)
Thats some skills you go there Chris!
Of course the main problem with that is the gate on the right doesn't cast a shadow ...
Chris is defo the far...........!!

Thanks everyone, these are great :)
Thats some skills you go there Chris!
Of course the main problem with that is the gate on the right doesn't cast a shadow ...

Details details... LOL
Chris, now we need to see more teeth. A cornered dog could be angry ; )

Good job.
The cornered dog could bite ;)

Thanks for these, I put them on my flickr page, I hope thats Ok with Chris and Darren, if not I will delete them, but they will have a link back to here. :)