
This was using the tripod I keep in my car :-)

I had to stand in the middle of a street in a roundabout, in the dark, so it was a bit of a tense moment.
It's the other way round Darren, you can adapt Nikon to canon and retain infinity focusing but not the other way around unless you use a corrective element in the mount ... Which is a no-no in my books
Nikon to canon, you can even adapt 'g' lenses Nikon G - Canon EOS Adapter

Anyway, my problem is always the same... Because I don't specialise there is a bit to much kit it would be nice to have...
All three pce lenses would be best ;)

Did you see my first go with the 45 for architecture

Not perfect, but I really enjoyed doing it! I'm going to pop out this Thursday evening with the lens and camera and see what I can get I think!

Let me know if you want to try the others Hamish and I'll bring them over to the UK.
Lovely shot! Very interesting building too! Nice one.