Critique Welcomed Pixels

Intriguing image, Brian. Free tablets for everyone? If an airport is indeed a port, then I suppose it is apt they have portals of escape and discovery of a virtual kind.
Intriguing image, Brian. Free tablets for everyone? If an airport is indeed a port, then I suppose it is apt they have portals of escape and discovery of a virtual kind.
You can order a meal from those tablets, Rob; every restaurant in that airport--that I have seen--has them.
That is an interesting image. Someone has put some thought into the design of that, rather than just going for plain functional.
Poor exchange: Food for Thought.
Its actually food for money. Think what you like. :rolleyes:

That is an interesting image. Someone has put some thought into the design of that, rather than just going for plain functional.
Thanks Dave. All of the restaurants, in this terminal at least, are fancy or are themed.

I guess it wasn't Bush though! ;)

A damn fine shot Brian. Love the line of stools leading to the person.
A :eek:SHRUBBERY!!! :eek: then? :D

Thanks Pete.