Critique Welcomed Prost!

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

It's time for the annual stein holding competition - raise your steins!

X100F last night
Suitably bizzarre, Chris. Mind, they'd be chucked out of the competition in Germany - where's the head gone on that beer?! :eek:
The winner was later found to have used a plastic stein! But by then no-one was in a fit state to get a rematch together! :D

The beer from the keg did have head, but the length of time it took to set up the competition meant that most of it had been supped by thirsty combatants :rolleyes:
I am flabbergasted! I thought you were kidding when you named the event.
Amazing what a bunch of lads, or indeed ladies, will do with a stein and some beer!


Ladies final two - they held up longer than I could have managed! :D
That is a fine picture. The lady sitting in the middle looks a bit worried!
Thank you sir - she was judging the competition, and eventually uncovered the 'illegal' plastic stein!!! :eek: