Critique Welcomed RAF Wombleton

Shaun Haselden

Well-Known Member


A shot taken around 2009 using my then Nikon F5 fitted with a Tamron 17mm ultra wide angle and an orange filter. Film was Agfa APX100 developed using Paterson FX39.

I love photographing derelict airfields and was lucky enough to live at that time, just a few miles from this one.​
Love the left to right contrast. and the leading line of the grass down the side of the old runway

Super grain from the Agfa as well

So the Wombles weren't just in Wimbledon then? ;)
This is one of the few derelict airfields where the public are allowed access on a daily basis. It is so common to find offensive farmers threatening you even though you are on public ground outside of their property. I love photographing derelict strips of concrete in the middle of nowhere and there are just so many to choose from in Lincolnshire, 'Bomber County'. Of course here in Lincolnshire we get quite a few thunderstorms as well due to the place being so flat and expansive. Love it...!