Architecture of war

Shaun Haselden

Well-Known Member
Two photographs here taken back around 2009 whilst I was living in Pickering, North Yorkshire. Both shot using my then Mamiya RB67 loaded with Fuji Acros 100 rated at 80 and developed in FX39. Scans were done using my Epson V700. The beach light shelter is on the beach at Fraisthorpe in East Yorkshire and the huge hexagonal bunker is on the beach at Cayton Bay, also in East Yorkshire but just south of Scarborough. I made reference to the beach light shelter in another post on this forum where I said about waiting for half an hour or so for the cloud to form behind it as I was hoping it would resemble an explosion. Sometimes it's worth and sometimes it's not.


  • Beach Light Shelter Relic East Yorkshire.jpg
    Beach Light Shelter Relic East Yorkshire.jpg
    383 KB · Views: 11
  • Cayton Bay Concrete Bunker.jpg
    Cayton Bay Concrete Bunker.jpg
    298.4 KB · Views: 10
I see what you mean, that does look like an explosion. That is an exceptionally good picture. You have captured the scale and huge mass very well. Also the angle shows the erosion of it over the years, for all its huge mass the sea will claim it back in time. Reminds me that the Earth operates on a far greater timescale than us mere mortals.
Oh my word Dave you are so right. Here in Lincolnshire we had over eighty airfields at the end of WWII, the place is littered with old concrete runways and taxiways and of those that survive, all of them are covered in bits of green forcing its way up wherever it can. That concrete bunker in the photograph (Fraisthorpe) started its days in a field hundreds of yards from where it is now on the edge of a low cliff. The coast here is being washed away at an alarming rate and as a result the bunker is now on the beach. A lot of these bunkers ended up upside down so this one is for me, very lucky. I first found this place back in the mid nineties but photographed it more seriously back around 2008/9 using what was very probably my finest ever camera. Serious thank you for your comments.
Wow, great images, very heavy in a few senses of the word. You can almost feel the weight of them, especially the first. Good photography, Shaun.