Pete Askew
Yet another series from the Lower Saxony plains, this time with a bit of grunge! Links to the previous series are shown below. This set was shot on New55 film using a 1947 Speedgraphic fitted with a 135 mm Graflex Optar f1:4.7. The film was rated at ISO 50 and all exposures were made at f1:11 with exposures of between 1/15s to 1/25s. It was very windy so I didn't want to stop the lens down any more. All are scans from the negatives and have been adjusted in LR only in a similar manner to how I would have printed them. I have kept them full frame to provide an interesting border (I thought it went well with the overall grunge!). In a couple of the shots you can just see the edge of the dark slide. These are sometimes a bit sticky and I have had them pull out before now (rendering the sheet useless) so, if they are stiff, I don't push my luck. As always, there is some lack of uniformity to the development and plenty of spots and blobs from fixing them in a tray. The slight banding must come from the spread of developer and I need to see if I can either improve my pulling technique (!) or adjust the rollers slightly. In the last image the positive had stuck to the negative and I suspect the coating was not fully dry when it was assembled at New55. That's a shame as it is my favourite shot. I might be able to clean it up in PS a bit more but actually, it fits in with the overall feel of the series. One shot was lost (looking through the fence at the goal) as the developer pouch didn't burst correctly - that seems to happen to about 1 in 30 sheets. Hopefully that will be better in the latest variant.