Rob MacKillop
Edinburgh Correspondent
This is the first of an experiment...I dare say there will be a few more in time. I deliberately spent only 30 seconds choosing seemingly random things in my room, in the belief that no matter what I selected, the possibility of seeing links between them would be strong. It's a self portrait, come still life, sort of thing.
Give it a try yourself...
Random Life 1_x800 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr
One could read a few different strands of meaning - all would be true, more or less.
On a technical note, I wish I could have a tripod of sorts where I could look straight down on the table, instead of at an angle. It was worse in the original, but I used a little perspective correction on it, but couldn't achieve a flat surface.
Fuji XE1, Auld Nik
Give it a try yourself...
Random Life 1_x800 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr
One could read a few different strands of meaning - all would be true, more or less.
On a technical note, I wish I could have a tripod of sorts where I could look straight down on the table, instead of at an angle. It was worse in the original, but I used a little perspective correction on it, but couldn't achieve a flat surface.
Fuji XE1, Auld Nik