Red deer Stag

Donald Bain

Active Member
That's a stunner, Cattach! Lovely composition, and how do you get them to look at you like that? Beautiful colours and detail.
Only kidding Grez haha I whistle a long low note and they will stop most of the time and look right in your direction just take a good lung full and go for as long as you can even running Deer will stop on most of the time, well long enough if your ready finger on the shutter.
Great capture, and a really interesting tip on getting them to stop and pose!
lovely shot of this majestic looking animals so proud looking, always think of Monarch of the Glen when I see your photos of these Donald
Thanks Laurie I just love getting a good deer shot but still it's pot luck, very lucky if I ever get 1 in ten right but then again they are wild beasts and not tame so they are not to keen to pose for long lol.
They are gorgeous animals, supposed to be some in the beacons I have never seen them though, seen many wild ponies