"finally got to shoot something with the x-t1 that wasn't a trashcan at the office."
Brilliant; and I know what you mean. When I got my XE1 I spent a lot of time dossing around the house taking pics of everything and anything, including the dustbin and then deleting the lot and returning them all to the dustbin.
There is an attractive cold tone to this Beth and this gives a good mood to this good composition. You did a great job on the sky. Thankfully, little evidence of HDR there, as you made it all subtle and not really too noticeable. I have an aversion to HDR and find it does more harm than good. So many images around these days that the moment you look at them the first thing you notice is H blooming DR

Did you get any shots from other angles Beth? I would imagine there may be possibilities too where the barn is separated from the tower (seeing the full base of that lovely tower)