Religion at the Pier

Brian Moore

The guy standing on the stool on the right is the evangelist. The kid on the other stool is repentant apparently. The evangelist was haranguing the lad with questions that were far too personal for my liking. ("What must you ask forgiveness for to get into God's Kingdom?" "Why should God forgive YOU?" and other such conciets that the evangelist felt were appropriate for himself to broach.)

Used the Canon Snappy 35 P&S with Arista EDU 400 for this image.

And just when one would be so handy, there's not so much as a hint of a heavenly fireball!! I guess the kid was lucky to have run into the evangelist!! And I suspect that the guy on the left might have been having a few sinful thoughts as well!! ;)

Nice piece of street 'theatre' captured there Brian and I like the way the small intrusions into the frame at the corners create a slightly claustrophobic feel by the vignette they cause - very appropriate I think.
And just when one would be so handy, there's not so much as a hint of a heavenly fireball!
Of course not, Pete! The evangelist was no holy man! He was an imposter,...a fake,...a posuer! Were a celestial fireball to have appeared it must surely have been to smite the charlatan asunder! ;)

Thanks for your comments, Pete.
Very nice again, Brian. That pier does look very good for the street stuff.

I really like to try & work out the story from images like this, Brian, I don't think I would of ended up at an evangelist though.
I'm not sure what I would of come up with, but I love images like this that just give the viewer the start of the story & leave the rest up to interpretation. Lovely image.
Thanks very much, Alfie. He didn't look like your common or garden evangelist, nor he like your average repentant. And with video cameras set up as well as the stools, there something less than impromptu about the whole matter. I could certainly see good reason to interpret this image as something other than active evangelism.

Anyway, thank you for the comments, Alfie.
Very good - glad Pete mentioned the 'natural framing' elements - I think they play a very key role in focusing the attention to the subject(s) - which are clearly the cute girls in the middle correct?

There's someone else in this shot preaching? :D
Very good - glad Pete mentioned the 'natural framing' elements - I think they play a very key role in focusing the attention to the subject(s) - which are clearly the cute girls in the middle correct?

There's someone else in this shot preaching? :D

Busted! Ok, I took this picture and after I developed it I noticed these two guys on stools on either side of my subject. So I made up this cockamamy story about evangelists and repentants and all that in order to explain the two geezers. However, I might have known I wouldn't get it past you lot for long. First Pete points out the lack of a heaven-sent fireball thus betraying skepticism, then Alfie points out his surprise that it's about religion. And now you, Mr. Holmes,, Chris, I mean...have correctly deduced the truth, undoubtedly through the clues left by the paper trail of my bumbling excuses and responses to Pete and Alfie. Drat! ;)
It was the gaze of the guy on the left that gave you away I'm afraid Brian. He was clearly standing there watching the action and thought, "What's he taking a picture of with that funny old camera thing?", and thus turned to see.
Ah, I see the dead giveaway. (I may have to consider cropping as a tactic henceforward.;))