Critique Welcomed River Nevis disappearing into the blackness

sorry guys, i've checked on every device i have and it's there for me
nope it aint there try refreshing page Davie..........!!

i even went to edit your original post then copied & pasted the urls you posted into my browser, i got a Photobucket error & no photo thus no photo here on RPF

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Have just seen it on my iMac (still not on the iPad). It looks wonderful, Davie. Very dramatic. Love the tree framing, great comp all over, in fact.
Brilliant comp and lovely subdued palette Davie

Love the way the tree and mountain work together and compliment each other
Another damned fine shot Davie. How big is this exhibition going to be?! ;)

i haven't decided if this is going in or not lol....i don't want it to be all waterfalls though I have enough to make it like that