Riviera United Methodist Church

Brian Moore

Discovered recently that this church, not too far from where I work, was designed by the Richard Neutra architectural firm. So I took a detour one day last week after work and snapped a few foties with my Canon 7D.

It was built in 1968 I believe.

I meant to file this under "critique required" but I forgot. So, any critique is welcome.

Here's a 2nd version.
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Both nice but I prefer the second. The clearer view of the patterns in the paving guides you in and the route is not blocked visually by the grass. I also the like the greater sense of space that the wider angle has given to it. Also the door in the distant right is positioned better I think and you can see the entrance to the side building better. The whole complex makes much more sense.
Thanks, Pete. I've been leaning toward the 1st one myself, but what you say has illuminated the images a wee bit better for me. Thanks.
I like the 1st - you have more of a divine light over it which adds to the whole feel I think - and I like the additional space around the structure so it can breath a little
Thank you Chris.

I neglected to mention that I had shot these images with my Tokina 11-16 f2.8. I adjusted the perspective on both images in Lr in an attempt to straighten the verticals.
Fisrt impression I preferred the second, the reason being from experience, when an images is made up of so many straight lines and the fore ground line is not parallel, it can work a bit akin to a wonky horizon. Which unsettles the eye. It is something that only takes a few inches either way where you stand to be straight on or not. Also often the building is not parallel to the road edge anyway, so not alot can be done. So for that I prefer the second, but as others mention it has become a bit claustrophobic loosing it's strong identity of being what it is and standing out there..
Nice pics though and like the clean lines of the architecture.