Rob Does A Street Shot!

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I tend to avoid street shots, as I am fairly rubbish at them. So make the most of this, as it will doubtless be the last for a while.

The guy looks like he might have a camera, but he doesn't. He was telling this girl (his daughter?) a story, and got quite animated. She seemed to be enjoying it. And all this in the middle of Princes Street, the busiest street in Edinburgh.

Just Talking.jpg
Quite unique Rob I am sure. Good capture , I definitely feel uncomfortable about upsetting people in these situations but on this occasion they, or at least the young girl seems very relaxed. Did she notice you at all?
Rob, I love it! I don't give critique on images often as I'm a very appreciative person and enjoy images in all shapes and forms...... However,

Could I see an image of the pair isolated from the rest of the public and positioned in the top right if square crop please? I think it'd be a great crop.

What do you think?
I know what you mean, Dan. It crossed my mind. You can get a bit of the effect by scrolling the page to exclude the top. I quite like that, but you do miss the contextualisation of them being in a busy thouroughfare. I like both, for conflicting reasons! Cheers, Dan.
Certainly and intriguing image Rob and, in this instance, I can imagine they would not have minded at all. Interesting reading Dan's and your comments as well as that was exactly what crossed my mind and I really like the way the image transforms as you scroll down.
Very good in the first instance Rob. Personally I don't think the pedestrians add much here as I don't get the atmosphere of any hustle and bustle of a busy street but rather a group hanging at the bus stop..
Removing the people makes it an even more interesting image as the double yellow line and the grill in the paving come more into play.
Hmmmm ... But now I look at it again and I think, well, it's fine; what's wrong with it is as it is.
i love this shot, its a great street capture, but, i would also make another copy with the top of the shot a fraction below the feet of the people on the right, leaving the rest as it is.
