Critique Welcomed Rotunda Staircase - Mission Inn

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
swmbo and I were guests at a wedding on Sunday - at the Mission Inn in Riverside CA.

Great looking hotel - I've been before, but not with a camera in hand :)

Had time to search-out this fantastic feature in the hotel - the rotunda staircase, spanning some six floors.


X-Pro1 and 14mm lens at f/16

It was labelled as 'residents only' but I figured that wedding guest was as good as resident! :D

Here's a view of the ornate metal railing, with the Fuji 23mm lens at F/1.4


Worth a visit if you're ever in that part of the world
Wow, what a structure. Super shot too and I like the detail. They work well together.
Thanks Pete - it's really quite stunning, and unlike anything else I've seen in California

The other CA rotundas are all covered by domes, while this one is open to the sky.

The circumference of the Rotunda appears larger at the top than at the bottom, creating a cool optical illusion