Brian, Sadie and the shadow is particularly interesting on two details. The right rear leg's release from traction and its ballerina look-a-like, even more relaxed shadow on the wall. Also, right front and left rear seemed to be on the same (close) axis. So, the leg movements are towards the center, I presume.
Good to hear that she is doing OK. She certainly has the contentment of being loved.
Brian, Sadie and the shadow is particularly interesting on two details. The right rear leg's release from traction and its ballerina look-a-like, even more relaxed shadow on the wall. Also, right front and left rear seemed to be on the same (close) axis. So, the leg movements are towards the center, I presume.
Good to hear that she is doing OK. She certainly has the contentment of being loved.
Thank you Nihat. That right rear leg appealed to me also. That and the shadow's look of slim and lithe movement. I believe that may be similar to your ballerina comparison, which I find delightful. Thanks again, Nihat.