Sadie On The Leash

Brian Moore

It was late afternoon last Saturday and I was walking Sadie down by the beach. I thought,...I should get a fotie of my little girl. I had with me my SuperHeadz Blue Ribbon toy camera which was loaded at the time with Arista Premium 400 film.

The SuperHeadz Blue Ribbon has a wide angle lens (22mm) so you capture a lot in the frame. For example, can see the pier in the distance.

Processed in Rodinal,..1:100 dilution and "semi-stand."

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Oh my! :D

Nice view Brian - looks like it was hot out ;)
It was indeed a warm day, Chris. As you can see, Sadie is panting. Thank you, Chris,

It took a second, but I noticed the dog. She does look like she could use some water.

Actually it's a pretty cool compostion with the single vanishing point and the er.... diagonals
Yes, I understand. With the pier and other distractions so prominent it does take a moment of careful inspection to notice my little girl, Sadie. Thanks for the comments, Steve.
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Did you get that camera from Freestyle Photographic?

And Sadie is beautiful.

No Steve, I got it through Amazon. Someone had given me an Amazon gift certificate, otherwise I doubt I would have bought one.

I told Sadie what you said and her tail hasn't stopped wagging since. She asked me to say thank you. ;)
Super shot Brian. Love the way you have kept the lead near parallel with the RH edge of the path and she has turned at an angle to the main lead lines thus maintaining the compositional balance. Just a shame that you couldn't find a compositional element to close it off with! ;)