Sadie Self-Portrait

Brian Moore

She clearly has much to learn: She's shooting right into the sun (not a great idea at her level of expertise), and she's too close to the camera for good focus. Not only that, but if you're at all familiar with the Canon Canonet QL17 GIII, you'll notice the obvious: The position of the focusing level on the side of the lens shows that she has the focus set on infinity! Complete silliness!

Snapped this with the Minox 35 GT and expired Kodak Gold 200 (which I tuned-up in PS for color balance).


First of all let me congratulate Sadie for not looking at the camera. And I might add she is one beautiful dog.

Secondly, while I can't verify this, I think Sadie has the aperture set at F11. She is going for a deep depth of field aesthetic. As for shooting into the sun, Sadie clearly wants to clean up any exposure issues in post processing.

This is a great photo Brian. Seriously it's like totally way cool and stuff.
Steve, while I was at work today Sadie saw that I had posted this image and then she read what I had said. She was not amused and it has taken me the better part of the evening to right our little ship. In fact, she has confirmed for me, in no uncertain terms, that she was perfectly cognizant of her actions and indeed has confirmed that your theory is in fact spot on with the exception of one detail that you didn't get quite right: she set the aperture at f16. As to the post processing, she believes it will be quite unnecessary (I disagree), but we'll wait for the images to get back to find out.

Thank you Steve, I have passed along your observation about her beauty, and she is like a dog with two tails at the moment.
Brian, I believe there is an old saying involving grandmothers and eggs. It might be worth you looking it up! ;)[/QUOTE


Pete- I think Sadie is far to kind hearted and sophisticated. She might go with the witty riposte but definitely not sarcasm.
She has great taste in cameras though Brian - you have to say :D