Salford Quays @ Night

Darren Turner

went for a mooch around Salford quays near old Trafford last night, took tons of photos but not really got much time to put them through lightroom so here is a couple for now.

The quays use to be where all the boats brought goods inland up the ship canal into the city and the docks & hugh warehouses that used to be here. Now its all fancy apartments and offices with bbc studios, shopping centre, theatres bars & restaurants.



Thanks for looking

Very nice Darren!
I like the swooping water! What are your settings on these?
These are really nice shots, Daz. However, I take it from your comment that they have not undergone any post-processing. I'm curious, what would you have done with them in Lightroom? To me they look great--I would think nothing is needed.
Wow - hardly recognize the place these days - bit of an upgrade since I was last in those parts!

Very nice - love what the long exposure has done to the water as others have noted, the blue lighting in #2 is really stunning

Back in the day, wandering about in the Quays at night with a camera would have resulted in a guaranteed mugging! :D
these have been through Lightroom, i have tons more that i haven't played with yet.

Changes i have made is adjusted WB & contrast and made blacks sky a little blacker as the light leaks into the sky to much. A little recovery on the highlights. and that's about it.

Here is original of the bridge.

ISO 200
Manual Mode
Auto WB
15 Second Exposure
