Santa Anita Park--Jockey's Entrance I Think

Brian Moore


I shot this image over a wall. A loud and brash woman walked just in front of my lens--on the other side of that wall--just before I pulled the trigger. Fortunately, ye cannae see her big fat heed because she is concealed by the foliage. There was a gate to my left and several folks were milling about there and this gave me the impression that this may be the jockey's entrance.

I didn't see any jockeys entering though. However, it was rather late in the morning for that. Nevertheless, I liked how the sun was shining down through the leaves.

This is a digital image! I shot it with my Canon 7D.
I wondered why there wasn't any fluff!! :)

Very nice lighting, I can see why you were attracted to it. I like also the subdued colour of the building. I was confused at first by the think on top of the covered way but think they are probably lights aren't they?

Was the doorway very small - that'd be a bit of a giveaway!! ;)
I wondered why there wasn't any fluff!
I find that fluff is difficult to photograph! ;)

on top of the covered way
I think they are satellite dishes, Pete.

Was the doorway very small
Normal size, as I recall. So perhaps this is the owner's entrance, then! ;)

Thanks for the comments, Pete!
Brian - so you were doing a bit of snooping then! :D

I like the natural framing of the foliage, and the way the lines and shadows draw you into the frame.

Hiding the loud and brash woman was a nice touch :)

So - you do use your DSLR then! :D :D :D
Yes, a wee bit of snooping, and prepared at a moment's notice to offer up the most sorrowful (if insincere) of apologies should the authorities collar me.

So - you do use your DSLR then!
Yes, from time-to-time. When I'm shooting the horsey stuff, and also some of the dance stuff. But unlike the film cameras I use, which are just light-tight boxes with an adjustable hole in one end, the 7D is a hole controlled by a computer hanging off the back of it. And then there's all that PP stuff you are supposed to do afterwards that I don't have a clue about,'s all very complicated.

Anyway,...thank you Chris.
Were ye out in yer combats when taking this pic Brian. Looks like yer sneaking about in the bushes lol.

like it though :)
Were ye out in yer combats when taking this pic Brian. Looks like yer sneaking about in the bushes

No exactly combat boots, Allan,...trainers! In case I needed to beat a hasty retreat. (Still fairly quick off the mark in ma auld age!)

Sneakin' aboot in the foliage sometimes yields a hof decent fotie. ;)

Thanks for the comments, Allan.