scary metal monster

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
i wish i could get closer to all this stuff going on, i bet i could get an awesome photo fropm the bottom of that arm with a wide angle going in to bite through a rsj... ah well il have to settle for these..
edited on my crapy laptop screen so sorry if they are a bit "off"


Nice shots Hamish, I like the lighting and softness it has about it. Normally I like a single person in a shot but for some reason I'm not sure if it works in the first one (ah. second thoughts after shrinking the image to fit the whole page it's ok, that's me being lazy again). I do however prefer the second one, the bent up road sign adds that little extra.

I remember seeing a heavy HDR shot years ago( inspiration) low and wide of a JCB (John deere for our cousins across the pond) and thats always stuck in my head and I would someday like to do something along those lines.

/puts page back to normal size