Sea worthy...... But no sea!!!

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Encouraged by an inspiring character on this forum in the name of Mr Turner....... I've descided to post this photo from a nice break down in hampsire. I had hundreds of unread posts on this forum and stumbled across his post 'see worthy' which I really like.... I took loads of pictures with my practika for some reason, I thought I'd go film for the holiday (should post them on soon as I get them developed). But this one I took on my oly, I'll get round to posting some more this weekend.......

Many thanks for looking

haha brilliant........ scary similar eh......!!

Mine was dumped on a slipway into the harbour, i should have got a little more interests to the background.

Great shot :-)
Haha! Very strangely similar... Lol.

You know what pete..... Your right!!! Just a little crop should do the trick!! Been reading through a good handful of those mags you posted... Especially the B+W series, very inspirational...... I know your secrets now! Mwwaaahh haa haa!!!!

I'll try and get them developed tomorrow, can't wait to see them myself, I reckon I've got a few decent ones, but the result will tell....... looking forward to some new film shots from yourself..... Not seeing much film by others on here.... Maybe there should be a new thread category for film?? What do you think Hamish??